CarBengkel is a product of Cradle CIP Catalyst pre-seed funding. Being a recipient of government grant for the development of the application, the first thing we learn was to budget and to operate within a very limited budget. Naturally, our media launching was not held at five star hotels or expensive restaurants but at the training room at Cradle itself.
My journey with Cradle has been very educational and exciting.
When we first approach Cradle, we knew exactly what we wanted to do! We have the idea, the experience and the business plan. We did not have the product but we have everything else.... and so we thought!!
When we thought we knew and had everything, Cradle further completes it. Cradle had completed and make concrete whatever idea we have. The grant is actually a smaller contribution to what Cradle provides as a package.
Many new start up failed because they are their own bosses and being our own bosses, sometimes we feel we are right and that we knew everything. Cradle broadens our perspective and thinking methodology. It is not just the fund that came with Cradle but the support system that became our brainstorming partners.
At Cradle, we have to convinced alot of people who knew nothing about our business and some of them can be critical. This is very important because now I know, if anyone can convinced Cradle, they can actually convinced anyone. You cannot bullshit these professionals.
I am most grateful to Eizar Supiar and Dalena Zulkifli whom were the Cradle business managers assigned to us and would like to extend our big thank you for their tireless effort working with us on weekends and in discussion with us till late night. All the officials are with us on personal handphone basis. That was how committed they are.