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Wednesday 17 March 2010, There were only 39 recruits today, a minor improvement from the last session with only 30 recruits. Aisan Lim is still missing alongside many others but we were given a huge discount on AWOLs.. infact, a complete pardon. Sarge Simran, Corporal Faizal and Lans Corporal Elin Klemetsen Fossum are the instructors that have prepared 2 kick-ass circuit for the day.

The 30 recruits were divided into team Alpha and team Bravo. Sarge Simran took team Alpha for the first circuit and Corporal Faizal with Lans Corporal Elin brought team Bravo for the second circuit.

Team Bravo was further divided into two teams, the Guns and Rifle for the ass to ass aka S2S aka Strength to Stairs Relay . Team Rifle began with a run up-stairs holding the rifle straight up over the head while team Guns waited for their returned at the starting point by performing 14 repetitions of three fix exercises. When the partner from team Rifle returned, he will tapped the partner from team Gun for the relay from strength circuit (the three exercises) to the Stair-runs with the rifle. Kay Hassan from team Rifle partner-relay with me from team Guns.

The three type of exercises are the push-ups, Lunges and Flutter Kicks (chest, Legs & Abdomen).



Flutter Kicks

Kay Hassan ran pretty  fast and tapped-relay while I was performing the lunges. I took the Rifle, stretched it straight up above the head and ran. Running with the rifle was good for the arm and back but it makes running a lot more difficult. Lans Corporal Elin Klemetsen Fossum tirelessly continue to motivate us to keep our hands straight above the head.

The circuit was continued non-stop for 8 minutes before a 45 seconds water break. After the 45 seconds water break, the three type of exercises was replaced with the triple-cardio workout which means "torture times three"... its my most hated workout... the Mountain Climbers, Truster and Frog jump. The second set of S2S circuit was also for a duration of 8 minutes.

After completing the two sets of 8 minutes S2S circuits, we went to Sarge Simran for the "Tyre & Sandbag Insanity" circuit... scary!!

We saw four huge tractor tyres with 4 cones aligned 2 meter distance from one cone to the other, behind each of the tyre and another cone aligned 5 meters at the front of the tyre. Its like.... in one straight Row, there are Cone 4, then Cone 3, Cone 2 and Cone 1 aligned 2 meters from each other behind a HUGE TYRE and after the tyre, there is the last Cone A located 7 meters away.

There are 4 rows in total and a sandbag is placed behind every cone1 to cone 4 in all the 4 rows. Every recruit must take position at each cones and tyres. The circuit began for an 8-minute circuit with the first recruit flipping the Big Tyre to Cone A and back to start-point. The flipping of tyre will determine the time-duration before the next relay.

While the first recruit flipped the tyre, recruit at Cone 1, CORE & OVERALL WORKOUT; performed the Squat Press with the Sandbag. While Squatting down, the sandbag is lowered to chest level and during squatting upm the sandbag is raised above the head.

Cone 2, CHEST WORKOUT: 3-point Pushup on Sandbag. With the sandbag flat on the ground, the left hand is place on the sandbag and the right hand on the ground, and perform one rep push-up before changing the left hand to the ground and the right hand on the sandbag and perform one rep push-up and change again.

Cone 3, SHOULDER WORKOUT: Sandbag Front Raise. The sandbag is raise at the front until shoulder height and lowered down.

Cone 4, ABDOMEN: Sandbag Touches De lace Crunch. With both leg 90 degree raised while lying down, the sandbag is raised up to touch the shoe lace by contracting the abs muscle.

The recruit flipped the tyres to Cone A and back to start-position, he will run to Cone 4, and those at Cone 4 moved to Cone 3, Cone 3 to Cone 2 and so forth enabling every recruit to performed the fix exercises at every cones. The circuit was repeated for 8 minutes before a 45 second water break.

After the water break, the exercises at Cone 1 to 4 was replaced by the following workout:

Cone 1: CORE MUSCLE & OVERALL WORKOUT. Sandbag swing. On a squat position, the sandbag that is held with both hand is swing from between the leg and up to shoulder level.

Cone 2: LEG WORKOUT: Squat Jump. Squat jump is performed by squatting down and jump up with the Sandbag held at chest level at all time,

Cone 3: SHOULDER WORKOUT: Shoulder press. On a standing position with one leg to the front, the sandbag is raised above the head and lowered to chest level.

Cone 4: ABDOMEN WORKOUT: Sit-up with Sandbag. The sandbag is raise across the knee while sitting up extracting the abs muscle and lowered to thigh level upon lowering down.

The second sets was also repeated for a duration of 8 minutes.

The 'Pardon' for todays AWOLs was wise... if we had to performed 60 Grunts before the circuits today, we would be burning bodies instead of fat.

I burned only 580 calories. Strength training burns lesser calories than mega cardio. I actually prefer more strength training than cardio or a combination of both similar to today's workout!! I love it...... Those AWOLS & Absentees, you missed a damn good workout!!


Other OBC References:
MARCH OBC 2010: MAC 1/12 (WIP), MAC 2/12, MAC 3/12, MAC 4/12, MAC 5/12, MAC 6/12, MAC 7/12,


What Bagero? Was the first impression I had when Rose Emini Pahamin mentioned to me about the race. BAGERO or the actual word Bayakaro (which if pronounced fast enough will sound like Bagero) is a basic Japanese bad word but the Bareno is far from a bad word. Bareno is the main sponsor for yesterday's running race that was organised by the Bukit Jalil Pacesetter running club.

We were amongst the earliest to register for the race.. I mean.. My darling sister Rose Emini Pahamin registered the whole bunch of us runners (including Virgin runners) for the race.. They should give us a 'Bulk-Discount'... or a group discount! Rose Emini Pahamin & Ili Liyana Baharon collected our bib number, registration card and a damn good looking New Balance running vest on Friday 12 March 2010.

There were 50 known runners in our fraternity of friends that ran the Bareno. They were Dr Malek Aziz, Farhanah Bamadhaj, Abu Lais Walli Mohamed, Anita Ahmad, Nur Amy Shazwin Lais, Shobha Bala, Vinod Kumar, Farrah Vivien Raguet, Ili Liyana Baharon, Rose Emini Pahamin, Nicholas Chan Yee Son, Chun Chia Kai SSJ, Zaiem Razak, Mohammad Arif A Rahman, Faizal Ariff Abdullah, Erny Marlina Mohsen, Ilyanna Ailin Ayob, Nik Izyan Nik Ismail, Bahariah Baharon, Wan Izana Rozan Wan Ahmed, Daing Daniel Fitri, Mohd Danial Ismail, Ariff Latiffi Mat Ali, Mohamed Adni Mohamed Kassim, Natassya Lee, Rosliza Abdul Rahim, Suriana Saiful Yazan, Fazura Nur Jaafar, Rienna Choo Lye Har, Amy Ho Mae Mae, Cynthia Gan SSJ, Simran Latiff, Nur Liyana Razalee, kenix Lim, Leesa Tan, Joyce Chuo, Hong Sze...and many more ...

There are at least 10 Virgin-Runners namely Faizal Ariff Abdullah, Natassya lee, Rienna Choo, Amy Ho, Vinod Kumar, Kenix Lim, Leesa Tan, Rosliza Abdul Rahim and Aisan Lim. Cynthia ran her first 10km after completing the recent 7.7km Putrajaya Night race.

Farhanah Bamadhaj gave us a morning wake up call at 5:45am.... and at 5:50am, Vinod Kumar & Shobha Bala arrived at our house to car-pool to the Bukit Jalil Stadium. We left and arrived at the Stadium at 6:30am intime for the reporting. We bumped into some of our group members before flagging-off.

I brought along my camera knowing I wont be pushing myself hard due to the knee and I snapped a few pictures of runners @ the starting point and spotted Cynthia Gan SSJ impatiently waiting at the very front to start running.

Spotted!!! and Zoomed the small camera lense to capture Faizal Ariff Abdulah and Simran Latiff's pictures.... at a far distance.

The race was flagged off at 7am for the 15km runners and 7:20am for the 10km!! 

Then spotted ........ Errr.. forgot her name... (from OBC-KLB) Got it!! Its Hong Sze from PJB (sorry) and Aisan Lim & Leesa Tan (below)..
I was cruising at a very slow pace enjoying the run... it has been almost three months since the New Balance 30km race. 
I injured my knee during the New Balance race and have not run or train running at all since then except for the training at the Bootcamp.
Spotted....Syed Mahadzir Syed Manshor.. but only managed to snap his rear..

Took this picture from Tey's collections. Sh@@t.. I forgot to smile. I look horrible!!

Spotted Farhanah Bamadhaj. 
Whilst Cam- whoring & running was fun but pls excuse the not-so-clear picture, snapping photos while running requires extra-skills....

My knees were good until we entered a park with an uphill slope which hurts the knee again but it was bearable. The last few Kilometers to finishing line was a killer.

Spotted.. Rienna Choo, Natassya Lee & Amy Ho

Shobha Bala, 
Nicholas Chan & 
Abu lais....

Spotted Cynthia Gan SSJ... a 10km virgin runner, 
N. Mohanadas, Malaysian first Mt Everest Climber and 
Dr Rafidah  Abdullah.

Vinod Kumar, 
Kenny Smith & 
Chun Chia kai SSJ Pictures compliment to PM Tey.

Spotted too... Rose Emini Pahamin & Farrah Vivien Raguet..

We completed the race to qualify for finisher medal!!!

I do not know about others, but crossing the finishing line was my ultimate goal. I completed the 10km race in 1 hour 16 minutes.

To complete any race with a good timing is a bonus but the pleasure to run and crossing the finishing line was the orgasm.

Shobha Bala DBK and Nawal Aini finishes the race hand-in-hand... together-gether-mether.

It was a good run and we look forward to next years Bareno!!! Well Done organisers!!!




Monday, 15 March 2010. 6 AWOLS and less than half recruits with only 30 people attended the 7th session. The AWOLS were Aisan Lim (Yess, Aisan Lim was absent), Ashimah, Ili Liyana Baharon, Ili Farhanah, Marcus Salama, Danial Ismail, Danny Quest, Ana Kassim and Yash Qasim. After a short warm-up session, we had the 'remix' punishment with 3 sets of 30 seconds squat pulses (with 10 seconds time added for imperfect form) and 30 Grunts (and 5 grunts extra for not counting outloud).

There were three instructors Sarge Simran, Corporal Faizal Ariff Abdullah and Lans Corporal Sarah and there were three circuits prepared.

The first circuit was a partner base "Rifle Relay Activity". The 30 recruits were divided into two groups; namely Alpha and Bravo with one member from team Alpha partnering one recruit from team Bravo. The circuit began with both team at one rugby goal post. The partner from team Alpha started by running across to the other rugby goal post and back to the starting point at the first goal post where team Bravo are waiting by performing 10 repetitions of the following exercises.

1) Push-up with mock rifle performed by gripping the mock rifle on the ground with both hand at shoulder width apart.

2) Military push-up with mock rifle; performed by holding both rifle at thigh level and raising the rifle across the knee while sitting-up.

3) Thruster with Mock rifle; performed at push-up position with both hand fix holding the mock rifle on the ground, jumped both leg towards the hand that is locked on the ground holding the mock rifle and stood up raising the mock rifle with both hand stretched straight above the head. Then back to starting position for second repetitions and so forth.

We managed to complete 4 rounds within the time given. It was a good recovery circuit for yesterday's Bareno run. After completing the first exercise, team alpha continued with Sarge Simran and team Bravo stayed with Corporal Faizal Ariff for the second circuit.

The second circuit was called the "Full Body Rifle Mini Grinder".

The Full Body Rifle Mini Grinder was exhilarating... I love it!!! We had to performed 4 exercises with 14 repetition each starting with the 'Get-ups'. While holding the mock rifle stretch straight above the head, Get-ups was performed by kneeling down on the ground one knee then another and stand up again with one leg before the other. After the get-ups, we did 14 reps lunges with the mock rifle up stretched above the head at all time. Then shoulder front raise and the diamond push up. This circuit was repeated for a fix period of time.

The third circuit with Corporal Faizal was my favourite, the Abs with Rifle Grinder.

The Abs Grinder is a set of 14 repetitions of four Abs workout that was repeated without any break for 8 minutes. The four abs with rifle workouts were the  the Rifle touches De' shoe crunch as follows:

After completing 14 repetitions of the above, we continued with 14 repetitions of Sit-ups with Rifle. The rifle must be pushed across the knee while doing the sit-ups. We then proceed with the jackknife with rifle which was performed similar to the conventional jacknife below but with both hand stretched while holding the rifle.

(note: the ball was replaced with a mock rifle and the leg is raised @ 90 degree)

14 repetitions of flutter kicks ...

Starting position; lower legs until they’re about 1 foot above the ground  and lower arms until they’re flat on the mat with palms facing down. Keep back flat on the mat and support sides of your body with arms as you move both legs simultaneously up and down in opposite directions (when one is up, the other is down)

The scissor kick....

Focusing more on forms and technique rather than speed, I only managed to burn 580 calories but I can feel the muscle twitches with lots of pain which was important for muscle development.  Today's workout was a good recovery exercise to the Bareno run yesterday.

I am quite convinced the Spartan Ace with Dr Malek Aziz is achievable!!!


Other OBC References:
MARCH OBC 2010: MAC 1/12 (WIP), MAC 2/12, MAC 3/12, MAC 4/12, MAC 5/12, MAC 6/12
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