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DAY 5 at the HELL WEEK, ORIGINAL BOOTCAMP redefines the actual meaning of Hell. Nothing beats the morning blues than endless repetitions of cardio cadence from Star Jump, Seal Jacks and pushups.  Then clock-running ala spec ops, 100 meter boat race (as in carrying the boat with arm stretched straight and run), another 100 meter boat race with boat on the shoulder, more piggy-bag the partner for 2 laps x 50 meter, drag the partner for another 2 laps x 50 meter but the worse was floating in deep freezing water without using the hand for 15 minutes. After that, the hell-weeker had to leapord crawl for 100 meter before performing a 'stand-ups' with boat (while lifting the boat, one knee down, both knee down and then stand up with one knee first then both). This was repeated for 20 repetitions before ending the day with 60 grunts.

Pictures compliment from Gunny Em.. the ORIGINAL BOOTCAMP Director of Operation..

Day 5 was the toughest according to Sarge Dann... but the 'White Nike cap' beside Sarge Dann was probably Sarge's motivation not to give up.....

Sarge Dann...... 1 more day to go and you will be back in Heaven!!!


See also: HELL WEEK DAY 1 & 2, DAY 3, DAY 4, DAY 5

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