Saturday 24 April 2010. I missed two sessions at KL Alpha when I had to attend the Allianz Conference in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah but I had one session replaced at KL Charlie. I was suppose to attend another session at KL Charlie today but I did not..... What would be more important than to break my 7 full months of perfect and consistent attendance for fitness and health?
I missed that last session to learn and understand why the Bootcamp is the best place to surrender and gained stamina, strength and speed in athlete performance or lost fat and gain lean physique for others. I attended the personalised Malaysia Bootcamp Academy which was equivalent to more than the 1 session missed at KL Alpha (so... ACE council... spare me the punishment... can?).
The weekend course at the Malaysia Bootcamp Academy was for a total of 16 hours from 8am to 6pm on Saturday and 7am to 12pm on Sunday. It was conducted by the founder, owner, Managing Director and Global Master Trainer for the Bootcamp Worldwide Chief Brabon who look very similar to Edward Norton @ Derek Vinyard in the movie American History X...
What is the Malaysia Bootcamp Academy?
The Malaysia Bootcamp Academy is a COMPULSORY course for any Bootcamp franchise owners, instructors as well as support and administrative staff. Even the administration clerk have to attend the Bootcamp Academy before a franchisee was allowed to operate.
Having met and share similar passion in fitness and health with Dr Malek Aziz .... the first person I met at KL Alpha 7 months ago, we decided to take our friendship and passion a step further by being a Bootcamp franchisee but both Dr Malek Aziz and I are too busy with our business schedule that we would not be able to manage the Bootcamp training on our own and we both decided to invite Daing Daniel Fitri as a partner. I had wrote a blog on Daniel last year (see: Daniel). Daniel is also Aaraf's personal trainer and Taekwando instructor. In fact, I had also brought and introduced Daniel to the Bootcamp where he immediately qualify as a Delta. Our partnership is now officially established with the incorporation of Original Bootcamp Ent, a partnership based on passion and trust.
We had a sleepless night on the eve of the Bootcamp Academy date. We were too excited and anxious. We believe in the Bootcamp program that was articulately design to target every muscle in our body and scientifically research to gain the best result for toning, fat-lose and performance improvement. Never once, we were bored with any session and always, we count-down for the next session........... All that we did, was to surrender to the program, without being bothered to know anything else. Dr Malek Aziz was a pioneer member since the Bootcamp was set-up in July 2009. I started exercising with the Bootcamp program since October 2009.
Never once did it crossed our mind to be a partner and take up the franchise. We were all so passionate to be fit and healthy but now 8 of us attended the Academy located in Subang Jaya as early as 7:30am.
At the academy, we were greeted by Chief Brabon and his wife Emily Brabon whom is also the Bootcamp Director of Operations and International Master Trainer.
Without wasting any time, we headed to the classroom and took our seat.
Emily Brabon who also look quite alike Poppy Montgomery @ Samantha Spade... in the series 'Without a Trace' gave us a confidentiality agreement to read, understand and sign.
Then she handed the confidential Standard Operating Procedure/Manual.... a Bootcamp bible sort of speak!!
MILITARY FITNESS LEADER CERTIFICATION MANUAL!!! As scary as it sound, the manual contains every single details of what the Bootcamp is about akin of military intel!!!
...and what is expected from its instructors and even admin staff...... but........ having signed the confidentiality agreement, I have to be very careful with enclosing some details.
Chief Brabon began by explaining the history of the Bootcamp, his passion and especially his drive.
We thought WE @ KL Alpha and Sarge Simran were the most fanatical and passionate about the Bootcamp until we met Chief Brabon... Chief Brabon re-defines the real meaning of passion with his voice projection, body language and especially his attentiveness in everybody in the classroom. He was so passionate in guiding and explaining to us every detail in the manual.
The most important message (I hope there is no secret in this) is that the franchisee MUST ensure their instructors (or themselve if there are the instructors) SET a STANDARD for themselves based on 2 factors!!!
1. PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE. Instructors MUST have the ability to perform the activities involved in the training at a greater standard with less obvious fatigue.
If you have been following all the 70 Bootcamp blogs that I wrote... this is the reason why all the Bootcamp instructors are so ungodly fit!!! Now it all make sense... it is not easy to be a Bootcamp instructors!!!
Every instructor must undergo various rigorous training with the Global Master Trainer, International Master Trainer, Regional Master Trainer etc etc...... Every instructor must be able to perform a perfect technique, speed and agility. They will be assessed and re-assessed again and again and ever so often.
After the classroom briefing, we went out for a short 30minutes lunch break and continue with the Workout demonstration. Chief reiterated the importance of perfecting the technique. He asked us to perform the workout, corrected our form and he demonstrated them the perfect technique.
We were then asked to perform various workout and Chief Brabon corrected all our forms and technique.
After almost 2 hours of outdoor technique assessment, demonstration & correction, we went back for a class room discussion. There were so many things to digest. The day ended at 6pm and we were given an assignment!!!
The session on Sunday began at 7am with a BENCHMARK ASSESSMENT!!! Goodness.....
Sunday... We arrived early and saw Jason Moriarty measuring the field for the Benchmark Assessment... I approached and slowly jokingly whispered to Jason.. Hey... lets cheat and measure the field short of the 200 meter distance so we can all passed the assessment. Jason laughed and quickly said... "Buddy... this is Chief Brabon.. He will re-measure and check the distance himself!!".
True enough, when Chief Brabon arrived, he went and measured every angle of the circuit, placed the cones himself and re-measure them again...!!! A PERFECTIONIST!!
We had our warm-up with Chief Brabon which was different from our KL Alpha warm-up. After the warm-up, Emily did the roll-call and the benchmark began!!!!
Unfortunately...... or fortunately rather, our Benchmark timing as well as any instructors timing is deemed confidential!!! So I could not disclose it here.
We left the field after the benchmark and went back to class. We were then taught the proper technique with the TRX strap. I completely forgotten to camwhore during the Sunday session.. I hope Emily did...
We were introduced to dozens of new workout... there were more than a dozen 'push-ups styles' alone. After introducing those new workout, correcting our techniques and forms, our session ended with a briefing on preparing training programs.
All the circuits and programs for EVERY BOOTCAMP SESSION were developed in Australia by Chief Brabon and his team. No wonder, every session at the Bootcamp was never repeated and we can never get bored of any session. There are thousands of Workout circuits/programs available and every week, based on the recruit's benchmark timing (new and existing recruits), Australia will provide a personalised, pre-prepared program for our bootcamp members.... via a Mentoring Program.
Now I understand why I am so hooked with the Bootcamp program.. All the circuit program was designed based on ATP, anaerobic and aerobic level of conditioning to get the best result out from all recruits.
I wish I can tell more... but... errr.. I signed the confidentiality agreement. Last but not least... Am I going to be an instructor? (Big Smile).. If I do, it will be for the sole purpose of giving Shobha Bala DBK, Aisan Lim, Wai-Yee Chan Lizza Abdul Rahim and other friends at KL Alpha endless GRUNTS & SQUAT PULSES... (stick tongue very far out)
For now... I am not going to be an instructor. My passion is in the BOOTCAMP PROGRAM!!! We invested in the Franchise because of the program!!! Our lead instructor will be DAING DANIEL FITRI.. we roped in CHUN CHIA KAI and SANDY ROBERTS (whom are being trained to be the section commander) and many more other qualifed instructors whom are under training to be as good as Bootcamp best Sarge Simran. Chief Brabon had complimented Daing Daniel's command at the Academy today. Daing Daniel is scheduling a guided instructor's training 3 x a week for the whole month of May to benchmark Bootcamp's best Sarge! Other new Bootcamp instructors are welcome to join in too.
All our other instructors MUST BE equivalent if not better than Sarge Simran.. Sarge Simran is our benchmark!! He is the best!! Dr Malek Aziz, Farhanah Bamadhaj, Nawal Aini Zukifli, Rose Emini Pahamin, Nyna Mohsen, Ili Liyana Baharon, Ilyana Ayob and I will continue our passion as a recruit and listen to other member's needs & grouses as well as motivating everybody towards ACE!!! towards bringing the best out of everybody and give the BEST OF CUSTOMER SERVICE & TRAINING PROGRAM to our members!!
Stay tune for our instructors profile for BOOTCAMP @ BANDAR UTAMA to be open on 1 June 2010. Its 3 minutes drive from One Utama Mall.
There will be a free-trial week on 24 May to 29 May 2010. To book for placement.............. call/sms Danial 0122150263 or Rose Emini 0126567721.
June session will began on 31 May 2010.
These uniform represent a different classes of ranking. The Grey T'shirt are the recruits, Red T'shirts are Thaksin's supporter.. eh I mean, the instructors, the cool black T'shirt are the Master trainers. There is another colour.. BLUE which represent the authorized Administration staff that has been trained by the Bootcamp.
Only make payment to the staff in BLUE BOOTCAMP T'SHIRT. However, these Blue, Grey and Red T'shirt will be obsolete in May 2010. The new kick @ss Bootcamp T'shirt will be a dry-fit material and similar design to the master trainer (except for the colour).
p/s BOOTCAMP is moving towards PASSPORT-STYLE... Soon, we can all go bootcamp-HOPPING!!! exploring all the muds at other fields!!!
Stay tune for more details............
Other OBC References:
February OBC 2010: OBC Feb 1/12, OBC Feb 2/12, OBC Feb 3/12, OBC Feb 4/12, OBC Feb 5/12, OBC Feb 6/12, OBC Feb 7/12, OBC Feb 8/12, OBC Feb 9/12, OBC FEB 10/12, OBC FEB 11/12, OBC FEB 12/12.
January OBC 2010: OBC jan 12/12, OBC Jan 11/12, OBC Jan 8/12, OBC jan 7/12, OBC Jan 6/12, OBC jan5/12, OBC jan4/12, OBC jan3/12, OBC-Jan2/12, OBC-Jan1/12.
November 2009 OBC: Bootcamp 13, Bootcamp 12, Bootcamp 11, Bootcamp 10, Bootcamp 9,Bootcamp 8, Bootcamp 7, Bootcamp 6, Bootcamp 5, Bootcamp 4, Bootcamp3, Bootcamp2, Bootcamp 1..
Hooyah Mate....I knew this business would grow popular the moment it came to our shores!...Well done in picking it up!
ReplyDeleteSalaam alayk, everyone!
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillahi 'ala kulli hal wal ni'mah! Mabruk Armin & Malek and the rest of the team. Just get to read this blog & FB a couple of minutes ago. Am really happy for you guys & Dann Ultimatum, the newly recruited instructors & insyaaAllah, all the recruits. Congratulations!!! I ♥ KLA that much and I'm sure, I'm gonna ♥ "BUA" as well ;-) HOOYAH!!!
Congrats Armin, Dr M and team. Looking forward to join BU OBC in Jun, nearer to home for me. Hope to get more information on the venue?timing etc. TQ
ReplyDeletethank you RJ... the program and circuit design is worth investing and being committed to. Cheers bro
Thank you for your support. Its the people like you kept the passion flows.. :-)
We look forward to having you at BU. Stay tune for the session time and google map. :-)
Dear Mr Armin,
ReplyDeleteCan I use Chief as my benchmark?
Still Anonymous
Dear Still Anonymous..
ReplyDeleteOf course you can benchmark chief's credential but he is not just the global master trainer but he is also a marathoner and ULTRAMARATHONER!!!!
Dear Mr Armin,
ReplyDeleteI knew that not many people can do SUB 3 for marathon. That why I like to benchmark Chief's credential.
Still Anonymous
Yes Still Anon,
ReplyDeleteI am confident you can do it too!! and good to see that you are more serious now and less a clown.
everybody noticed the new you today!! ;-) HOOYAAH!!
Congrats Armin...this is so inspiring and it's making me very excited!I will pop by BU OBC one day but for now, it's still KLA for me for obvious reasons =D
ReplyDeleteNo worries. Please keep up the good & hard training at KLA.. and DONT FFK!! :-) SHobha and co will still be there.... She will push you to the limit!!