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If health can be measured as a utility such as money, what should we do when we are a millionaire? I mean, we work hard because we want to be wealthy and when we are, we want to be debt-free, we want to buy a new bungalow as a home, a brand new Aston Martin as a mean of transportation and/or maybe we want to go for a long holiday etc... but have we ever thought, what we want to do when with a good bill of health?!! Maybe you do but most people do not until they lost or almost lost their health.

Luxury is something we do not appreciate until we lose it. If we were never accustomed to luxury, we can live without any maid, driver, a house with swimming pool, without a big cars etc..  but once we have lived with all that and suddenly, for some reason we lost our job, our income and we have to do everything ourselves, we may just jump off the building or struggle to get by etc. Similarly, we will not feel the lost of a good health until we are diagnosed with some terminal cancer.

On that pre-text, if health can be measured in term of money, everyone now is already a millionaire because almost everyone are just so healthy and perfect (measured without any cancer which in a monetary term is similar to a bankrupt). Some people can still live being a bankrupt and some live a slow death.

So being a millionaire in health term.. what do you want to do? Honestly, this is one question only you can answer. Me..? I have done everything from being bed-ridden sicken with cancer to running marathons, cycling, dualthons, triathlon, mountain hiking, mountain climbing, open water swim, getting married (twice), being a father, work at bank, became a property developer, manufacturer for automotive parts, vendor in automotive and airlines, involved in oil concessions, advisors to listed co, automotive dealerships, work with government, elected into various NGOs etc etc etc... Time is too precious to be wasted with a good bill of health.


I recently had an overdue cup of coffee with a former high school friend whom was also my university mate at the Buckingham University, UK and updated each other with our long lost years. We used to share school bus together when we first started high school in BBBSS. He was a year older and was actually quite active in sports during youth and I was what people call 'kaki bangku' being very inactive having had to go in and out of hospital for CML. Now, he said he can barely pass level 3 stress test and I am a bootcamper.

To get him excited with abit of exercise since he felt Bootcamp is abit too strenuous, I invited him and his wife to join us at BODYJAM class this weekend. BODYJAM is actually Anny's passion and I was sucked in to have an activity with her which I do not mind at all. Being abit rusty having retired from clubbing  nightlife for almost a decade, I managed to follow the choreographed moves after a few months. BODYJAM now became my weekend activity. Of course, in addition to the Chief's Original Bootcamp!! Bootcamp gives me the energy to dance. Bodyjam allow me to feel the emotional express and self expression.

So what is BODYJAM? BODYJAM is a +Les Mills 55 minutes cardio workout program. It is an addictive fusion of the latest dance styles and hottest new sounds that emphasize as much on having fun as on breaking a sweat. New BODYJAM class is produced every three months with new music and choreography. Each new class is with a different dance experience base on the latest trend and style. The latest is BODYJAM 68. When a new release is launched it will be repeated for 1 month and this is useful for beginners like me to start and follow the choreographed moves. After the first month of repeating the same release, the instructors are allowed to mix the releases to his or the member's liking. 

There are 12 tracks in a class and the remix usually comprised of 3 isolation songs, the next block of 3 songs are mixtures of Salsa, Zumba, Trance, hip hop, house music etc. Then there is a short water break and the class continues with the second block of a faster hip hop, house or trance music with a higher intensity workout. 


The Chief's Original Bootcamp, Malaysia intake for May to August is now open for registration with some improvements, namely the time-of-the-day instead of a codename for training time & day. This is to make it easier for recruits to relate and understand as well as avoid confusions.

Current codename for training time and days:

5:45am-6:45am : Alpha (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) MC12
5:45am-6:45am : Sierra (Monday, Wednesday) MC8
5:30am-6:30am : Charlie (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday) MC12
5:45am-6:45am : Tango (Monday, Wednesday) MC8
7:00am-8:00am : Bravo (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) MC12
7:00am-8:00am : Oscar (Monday, Wednesday) MC8
7:00am-8:00am : Echo (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday) MC12
7:00am-8:00am : Foxtrot (Monday, Wednesday)

6:45pm-7:45pm : Zulu (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) MC12
6:45pm-7:45pm : Victor (Monday, Wednesday) MC8
8:30pm-9:30pm : Dusks (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) MC12
8:30pm-9:30pm : Quebec (Monday, Wednesday) MC8


Petua Daun Pokok Betik (Tips using Papaya leaves).

They say Papaya leaves juice is the best remedy for Dengue and me being me, after being almost certain that Aaraf has dengue with his fever above 40 degrees, sore with infected throat, diarrhea and nauseate; I immediately started Aaraf on the papaya leaves juice even though its only his second day since the high fever.

We brought Aaraf to the Damansara Specialist Hospital immediately on the first day he had fever but was told Dengue can only be detected on day 4 to day 5 after the first symptom- high fever.

I was skeptic of this petua but I could not bear looking at my son crying in high fever above 40 degrees, face & eyes so red, screaming in the middle of the night with nightmares and sleep walking etc..

How do we prepare the Papaya Leaves extract? First you will need to get the papaya leaves (of course!!).  Luckily there was a wild papaya tree at my house. Second, you will need to have Anny.. Kidding. Anny is mine. You will need to get your own Anny to assist. Take 2 of the leaves (an average age leaves that is neither too young or too old) and remove all the leave bones (urat daun) and keep only the leaves (see picture below). The next step is as per the step by step picture below.


Eat breakfast like a King they say but who knows what King actually eat for breakfast. What I do know, my breakfast can be a bit elaborated... okay, maybe alot. Today I changed the ingredient of my regular breakfast.. from a skimmed Cow milk to Goats Milk... Yucksss.. I know that is everyone's first thought and that was mine too for the whole of my life until Jaya Grocer, Damansara Perdana completely ran out of Cow skim milk (yesterday).

Let us rewind it abit.. I've been on this breakfast schedule (except the Goats Milk) for years in my quest for a healthier life. My breakfast starts at  5am.

5:00am - 25 Ounce (740ml) of water mixed with 1MR pre-workout drink (For energy) and two raw (yes raw!! straight from the shell) ayam kampung eggs mixed with Honey (for energy and manthingy- they say its good for men)... Sometimes, with a wholemeal bread or Banana and sometimes without anything else before a workout at the Bootcamp at 545am.

7:00am, after Bootcamp -  25 ounce of Skim Milk (today- GOAT Milk), mixed with Protein drink & 2 table spoon of Lecithin (For muscle).


I read with interest various comments made on Facebook and the cyber pertaining to the class action suit made against Vibram Five Fingers in USA (read HERE) and there seemed to be alot of misconception and misunderstanding.

The class action suit took place in USA alleging that Vibram USA engaged in false and deceptive advertising. An advertising that claimed the footwear could reduce foot injuries and strengthen foot muscles, without basing those advertisement on any scientific merit. It did not state that those health claim is not true but unsubstantiated. “Vibram USA expressly denied and continues to deny any wrongdoing alleged in the Actions, and neither admits nor concedes any actual or potential fault, wrongdoing or liability,” read the court brief. 

I am a hardcore Vibram Five Finger user and have ran 2 full marathons in a Vibram Five Fingers shoes (and countless of shorter distances) and would not use any other shoes for running but a Vibram Five Fingers. If you are my blog follower then you would have read how I suffered from bad knees as a result from perhaps, an excessive  running and was advice to go for corrective surgery on both knees. 

I did not go for the advised surgery but instead, invested in a pair of Vibram Five Fingers. After a few months of training in the Vibram Five Fingers (esp in a better form of running), I ran two full marathons and countless shorter distance run without any knee pain or knee injury. Infact, my PB running time had  improved and my knees/legs are much stronger.


Happy Mother's Day.

I can only imagine what it feels like to be a mother. To carry a child in me for 9 months, breast-feed, cook, feed, raise,  giving birth, shower them, cleanup their pee & poo, guide, bear all their cries tantrums, educate, nursing during sickness and an endless list of errands. I will never know what my mother had to go through raising us 6 children.. and a son whom was terminally-sick and rebellious. No one can ever describe a mother's undivided love and care.

I had a short stint of single parenthood after my divorce and MasyaAllah, I now understand the sacrifices, commitment and dedication of a mother and I am sure my understanding of what mothers do, is really a tiny small fraction of the actual reality. I can speak with experience from that short stint, that it would really take a person to be called a mother. It is seriously not an easy responsibility and is very challenging. 

That short stint made me appreciate my mother even more. I have one handsome and macho son (at the moment) and my mother have 6 stubborn, hard-headed, temperamental and emotional (but handsome and pretty) children. All with a mix of different characters and all are abit on the extreme (whether good or bad) but she loves her children equally and unconditionally. Her world, was only the children (and of course Dad). 

So Ibu, Happy Mother's Day:


Throughout my journey in life...
I know I have disappointed you, 
I know I have broken your heart,
I know I have failed you so many times, 
I know you have shred so much tears for me
and I know, at times I was not there for you..

... I am sorry & regretted for all the past mistakes.

Thank you for always giving me face;
Thank you for never turning your face away;
Thank you for never giving up on me;
Thank you for always & still being there for me;
Thank you for always giving me hope and all the aspiration in life;


I cherish all the upbringing moments and remembers all the celebrations we had on my every birthdays and treasures every seconds when you were by my bed while I was bedridden for months in hospital in London. 



On your first Mother's Day celebration, Anny this message is for you...

For someone who had never given birth nor have or raise any child... You are a fantastic Mother. 

I can only imagine how hard it is for you to adjust yourself into being an instant mother and a wife at the same time. I see and feel all the effort made.

You are from a completely different upbringing, a different lifestyle and from a different culture but you adapt well into our way of life, our home and our values, away from your own family.

Both Aaraf and I appreciate your patience and time to learn and understand us especially with our differences in culture, preference for food and bedtime. 

You have been an inspiration and a motivation in our daily life. You always cheer us up and bring smiles into our daily routine.

I love how you would even skipped 1000 skips a day to motivate Aaraf in his quest to lose weight and even went jogging just for Aaraf; although you hate running. We love how you would share many stories, games and magic trick just to entertained and keep Aaraf occupied. Thank you for all the food, care and love you have given us. Thank you for accepting Aaraf as your own son.


Anny read this tips to unblock arteries and started me on this today. Day 1. I should do a blood test first to know its effectiveness but nonetheless, my Day 1 (6th MAY 2014).

It is always good to service our arteries when living with high cholesterol for already more than 10 years. I am on 10mg Crestor (Rosuvastatine) and 145mg Lipanthyl (Fenofibrate) daily for Cholestrol.

We will never know how those oily food and excessive fat had build up inside the walls of our arteries and vein. This fat build up in our arteries and vein will lead to artery blockage that can cause a heart attack and no matter how much exercise we performed each day, this fat build-up in the artery can be fatal.

We should look good and healthy in the inside as much as we are good looking physically.

So what do we need to look good in the inside? 

1.  Lemon - 1 cup
2. Garlic - 1 cup
3. Ginger - 1 cup
4. Apple Cider Vinegar - 1 cup.
5. Honey - 2 table spoon

Garlic improves blood circulation, clearing arteries and flushing out toxic waste. There are alot more benefits of Garlic which you can just google.


We left Dato Dr Prashant Nadkarni practice on 2 May 2014 with a high hope of having a baby without having to go through the IVF or ICSI. According to Dr Prashant, male fertility can either improved or worsens after a high doses of chemotherapy & radiotherapy (even after 25 years) and the only way to determine it, is via a semen test which was suppose to be done during the first visit but I could not DIY in the toilet. (Read: First-Visit HERE)

So we scheduled impatiently for the semen test to be done today, 5 May 2014 at the convenient and the comfort of our home. I woke up this morning feeling overwhelmed. Like any other fathers, I want a big family and the thought of a big family at the dinner table everynight and at gatherings during festive seasons was simply indescribable.

After err... ejaculating into the sterilized bottle, we quickly rushed to the KL Fertility Centre and waited for the result scheduled at the fix appointment 1:15pm. We left for Nandos half chicken breast and Steamboat at the Ikano during the 2 hours waiting and arrived back at the KL Fertility Center at 12:50pm.

After more than an hour of waiting, half asleep we were called in by the nurse to meet Dr Prashant. For a moment in-waiting, I was cursing the government hospital thinking, private hospitals had picked-up the non-punctuality and long waiting for patience during the compulsory 2 years requirement for all doctors to work at the government upon graduation. We would think, private practice would be more professional and punctual in patients booking time and management. Maybe they should have "customer management" as a module during medical undergraduate study. This non-punctual waiting time has to improved. In boredom, we capitalize the waiting-time with a selfie....


The Girl Guides Association Malaysia (GGAM) and SRK Damansara Heights Primary School represented Malaysia and competed in the 2nd International Superdance Festival, from Folklore to modern at St Petersburg, Russia from 29 April to 1 May 2014. A total of 42 teams from 5 countries competed in various categories with a total of 74 dances.

These dance teams were formed as a result of GGAM `Imagine More' Creative Workshop (Performing Arts - Dance) which was carried out in December 2013 under the leadership of National Girl Guides Commissioner Chempaka Emalin Pahamin.  

Chempaka Emalin Pahamin together with artistic directors Sabrina Saw and Zaridah Abdul Malik led the three GGAM teams namely Jemari, Mystique and Silversteppers and returned home from Russia to a hero's welcome after winning three 1st placing, one 2nd and also the Best Dress Award:

Modern Choreography (Jazz, modern, neoclassical dance, free plastique) category - (9 - 12 years):
1st Prize: Mystique (Girl Guides Assocation Malaysia)

1. Kasih Iris Leona Azhar
2. Raina Edlyn Jasmine Mohammad Rhiza
3. Raiqa Hanim Jasmine Mohammad Rhiza
4. Ellya Keesha Zatif Ahmed Zaharani
5. Khadra Mohd Azrul
6. Nelysa Khadija Mohamed Nazrin
7. Marsya Jehana Mohd Jehan
8. Harissa Adlin Halim
9. Kadija Kamarulzaman


Spirit of Bootcamp Certificate is awarded to the most inspiring recruit voted by your own comrade 

The Spirit of Bootcamp

It is time to vote for the Spirit of Bootcamp for your platoon!!! What is the Spirit of Bootcamp? The Spirit of Bootcamp (SOB) is awarded to somebody in your platoon that does not just inspire you, but motivates you to push yourself that little bit harder, somebody that makes your sessions more enjoyable and someone that is aspiring to you. It doesn’t even have to be somebody you know (but it must be someone in your platoon). It can be somebody that you have never spoken too, but you noticed him/her as encouraging, humorous and/or helpful.

You determine who motivate you the most.. and you award them with the "The Spirit of Bootcamp" by voting online for him/her. This is our culture, this is the Spirit of Bootcamp!!

The recipient of the award will receive a certificate as per the sample above.


After a few months of hardwork without success, we heed my sister Dr Teratai Edithy Pahamin's  recommendation to meet Dato Dr Prashant Nadkarni MBBS(Mal) FRCOG(UK) at the KL Fertility centre. Conventional means of hard work does not equate to having a baby for post bone marrow transplant patient (for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia) like me although it has been 25 years (this year). The chemotherapy and total body irradiation (TBI) had a lifelong effect in fertility. I am blessed miraculously to have survived the terminal cancer and to be blessed with a healthy and a great son, Aaraf Armin but given the opportunity I want children enough to form a football team... Okay, that may be abit too ambitious but I dream of having a few extra; maybe 4.

I called on 29 April 2014, made an appointment and met Dato Dr Prashant on 2 May 2014 at the KL Fertility Centre, Wisma Perintis 47 Jalan Dungun, Wisma Perintis, 50490 Kuala Lumpur. The registration being a first timer was quite simple and straight forward. Waiting time was approximately 40 minutes from the fix appointment time which was errr... okay for a desperate to be a father of a football team.

Anny and I entered the room and met Dr Prashant for the first time. In the room there were Dr Helena and a nurse. He was professional and explained what we needed to know. We were escorted into the examination room next door. Anny was not comfortable at first and almost requested for a female doctor but she was pleased when it was actually a female doctor and a nurse that examined her. Dr Prashant read and professionally interpreted the scan. The scan and examination shows Anny was healthy, ready and potentially able to produced 13 eggs...


A few friends whispered on various occasions asking how does it feel to be married to a Thai. They said they have not seen me being so happy and all smiley. Actually, I have always been happy and living my life to the fullest (sometimes at the extreme) without any regrets. Every part of our life is a chapter in our life story and akin of a book, the story whichever way we want to write it, shall continues. If we do not write our life journey as how we wants it, our life may lead us to an unbeknown path that we may not like.

Having a Thai wife, I took almost every opportunity to learn more about Thai culture as another chapter in my book. The first being the Songkran festival. I have heard about the Songkran for many years but never had the interest to celebrate it. Last week, Aaraf and I did just that. Aaraf was on a two weeks school semester break holiday. We took a trip to Bangkok to learn and celebrate Thailand's most celebrated festival. Learning about other cultural has always been my interest. Contrary to my earlier understanding that Songkran was all about water fight and playing water, Songkran is actually to celebrated Thailand's new year. For those uninitiated like me, Thailand has its own solar calender and Songkran was the start of its calender year.

During the Songkran, Thais traditionally gathered with their family members to 'shower' the elders in practice, their parents. It is a humble celebration for Thais to remember their parents and family through the annual gathering. In the morning of the Songkran, they pour water on the elders' hand and shoulder to cool them down from the hot weather. The Songkran always fall during the hottest period of the year and showering the elders inculcates honour, respect, love and care towards their family members. Songkran was celebrated for 3 days although most offices and shops are closed for a week especially for the celebration. According to Anny, most Thai save their money for the whole year to be spent on the Songkran.


Amazing Bangkok! If you are visiting Bangkok with kids, a must visit place is the Art in Paradise; Bangkok Trickeye 3D Museum located at 4th Floor, Esplanade Shopping Mall, Ratchadapisek Road Din Daeng, Bangkok, Thailand 10400. The amazing artwork is open from 10am to 10pm and it only cost 300baht (approx RM30) for foreigner Adult and 200 Baht (RM20) for foreigner child. Local Khun Thai (or half Khun Thai like me), only pays 180 baht (RM18).

You will be amazed at the real life or bring to life art exhibit at the Museum. It is particularly exciting if you are camwhores like us. If you are an acute camwhores, do reserve at least half a day for unlimited poses and camwhoring.

Most of the pictures were drawn on either the floor or the wall. It look so real.


The Chief's Original Bootcamp launched its twice a year challenge; the 8 Weeks to Wow Summer 2014, on 10th February 2014 for 8 consecutive weeks that ended on 5th April 2014. Challengers had posted their after-challenge pictures and measurements as a comparison to the before-challenge pictures and measurement after their benchmark assessment. These pictures and measurement will be open for the public to view and vote for the best transformation akin of a reality tv show. The public is the judge into semi-finals.

Many had asked, what is the different between the normal Military Corporation (pronounced as "Military Core") MC12 and the 8 Weeks to Wow? The main different is the commitment, discipline and a change in lifestyle for the best result. The 8 Weeks To Wow includes a daily homework over and above the conventional MC12 training program at the respective platoon as well as (and more importantly) a change in the eating habit. Yes you will receive a planned nutritional menus for your daily meal. To entice and make it even more exciting, we challenge all participants to see who achieve the best overall transformation and that physical result is the ultimate reward for your dedication and commitment. If you get voted for the best physical transformation, you get a bonus. Yes... a bonus which will be announced in abit but what is for certain, the Overal Grand Champion will win RM15,000.


It takes a foreigner to appreciate PROTON. Sadly, that is how Malaysians are. Well.. not all but most of those who are active on cyber. If we take the few thousands on my Facebook friend list as a sampling to represent Malaysia population, then it is safe to say more than the majority whom would be picking on every flaws of our beloved country.

Many years ago, I befriended a Korean student whom was dating my friend, lets call him Mr A. Mr A bought his girlfriend, this Korean Student the latest Nokia Handphone (during Nokia's prominent years) as a gift on her birthday having noticed the old almost kaput Samsung hp the student was using. The Korean student returned the Nokia Handphone back to her boyfriend saying she could not accept it and when my friend refused to take it back (maybe takut buruk siku as the old folk Malay belief), she gave it away. Although her handphone was old and almost non-functional, she would not use any made in other countries products.  I was dumbstruck.

I have another foreign friend from Iran whom is a student and residence in Malaysia. He spoke highly and praises Malaysia to all his friends at how Malaysia government build a whole new city (Putrajaya) with tax payers money because in his country and or other countries that he has been, he has never seen anything like this.


Lelong.. Lelong!! Free fat!! free inches of waistline!!! and Free used-clothing!! Lelong!! Lelong.. siapa cepat dia dapat!! These words seemed to be the most appropriate tagline with so many recruits shredding away probably an ocean full of fats. If only we can lelong all those fats shred and inches lost... 

It is always very inspiring reading the testimony at HERE of so many people whom have gone through the program at the Chief's Original Bootcamp, Malaysia. But what is for certain, they all really need a whole new wardrobe.

When we first started 4 years ago, we had to regularly and continuously blog on the program to reach out to everyone as a testimony of what the program can do. Once, we had to reach out to the public mass to introduce the Chief's Original Bootcamp (COBC) because many were confused with so many other bootcamps mushrooming in Malaysia. Now, results speaks louder than words.

At the Chief's Original Bootcamp, you pay to get results and befriend a whole community of passionate and positive people who acts as a support system that will make sure failure or giving up is not an option. You do not pay to make friends.

At the Chief's Original Bootcamp, we make sure you are fitter, sexier and most importantly.. healthier. We make sure your dream body comes true. It is all about you. Stay tuned to vote for recruits with the best transformation.

Below are some testimonial. Lisa Mahmood lost 12kg in weight and 20 cm in waistline..


PROTON EDAR Sdn Bhd has appointed Azmi Idris as its Chief Executive Officer whose term began on Monday, 17 March 2014. Azmi Idris is Proton Edar's 10th Chief Executive Office Since inception in 1995. Previous Chief Executive Officers of Proton Edar (or formerly known as USPD (Usaha Same Proton-Drb Hicom)) were:

1. Dato Rashid Rahim
2. Abbas Mehad
3. Stanley Tan (Acting CEO)
4. Datuk Maruan Said
5. Ahmad Tifli Talha
6. Datuk Maruan Said (Re-appointed)
7. Mohamad Shukor Ibrahim
8. Ahmad Suhaimi
9. Dato Hisham Othman
10. Azmi Idris

Azmi Idris first joined Proton in 1985 as an Assistant Manager at Warranty Technical Services and was trained at Mitsubishi Motors, Japan and Lotus Engineering, UK. Prior to his appointment as Proton Edar's 10th Chief Executive Officer, Azmi Idris was the Proton Holdings Berhad Director of Group Quality, a post he held since May 2010.

Azmi was also one of the judges for a TV program - IDEA: Malaysian Investors' Challenge aired on TV3. The program was supported by Proton, Mosti and Sirim.


Once a quiet kampung, Sungai Penchala now housed the best mix variety food in town. The latest being Makngah Cakoi.. Makngah Cakoi was established in 1993 according to it's signboard but It was only last week that I made a stopover abd had the best Cakoi. Cakoi is a sort of roti goreng... My favorite choice after goreng pisang when I'm not dieting.

The shop is open at 1pm and close at 10pm from Monday to Saturday. The Cakoi is sold at RM2.50 per piece or 3 for RM5.00 and you can choose any one of the available 4 sauces to go with it. My favorite is the black sauce.



It was not an easy journey for me to reach this age. In fact, it is a big achievement for me to be able to reach the age of 40 from once, expected to only live for 3 years. I have gone through various challenges with studies, health, businesses, friends and even marriage. When I was an undergraduate, I had to defer my graduation when I failed a subject having had a relapse of my leukemia during my final year university. Born in a family where there is nothing more important than education, the feeling of having to re-take a subject was almost similar to death.  But I graduated from Buckingham University before I turn 21 years old. Yes, I expedited my studies with intensive degree course because I wanted to start working and start making money but there is no way I can do that without a degree (force majeure by/but thanks to dad). 

My health first failed me and took half of my teens away being in hospital while all other teenagers were having a time of their life. My health failed me again during my final year university but from being bed-ridden, now I have ran 9 full marathons, 1 ultra marathons and countless less-than-a-marathon distance races. I have also climbed Mt Kinabalu thrice and many other one day trip peaks.

Before I turned 40, I have also graduated from the school of hard knocks having gone through 2 recessions as a businessman (which I sweat and cried blood) and many failed business ventures but now I am a proud owner of a few successful establishments. I have been betrayed by business partners and my right wing senior people, cheated by people I cared and taken for a ride by many but it gave more meaning to the few that are still around and is enough to replace them all. I have lived my life chasing dreams which had costs me my first marriage and I have learn to cook, mop the floor, raise a child, do own laundry and especially be a better person.... all this experience gained during the Duda-hood being a divorcee.

Everything in our life happens for a reason.

From the failed health, studies, business and marriage, I became that person that you befriend today. I would not have made it without the support, encouragement and understanding especially from my parents, sisters and brother (I cant stress enough the power of family supports). There is nothing more important than a strong family relationship. I have to say thank you too to Miss Kimi aka CML aka Chronic Myeloid Leukemia whom has taught me the essence of living and the importance of time. If I never went through that relationship with Kimi, I would never see life the way I do now but please don't come back, stay away from me.


SUPPLEMENTS. The followings are the alternative supplements sourced and negotiated for the best price (on corporate rate) for recruits at the Chief's Original Bootcamp. The recommended BSC products was shortlisted after a thorough research from dozens if not hundreds of products worldwide for the best result and is displayed on the '8WeeksToWow' website at HERE but those products are not available in Malaysia. In Malaysia, we sourced out an equivalent if not better nutritional value just for you.

ORDER & PAYMENT: To order the supplements, please bank-in your payment to CIMB Bank Account No: 12460000957104 under the account name: COBC E-Commerce and Email the receipt stating the product that you require to
All payment must be banked-in and clear first before any orders.

DELIVERY: Any orders placed today before noon, will be delivered to you on your next bootcamp session by your instructor. All orders after 12pm will be delivered to you within 48 hours at your bootcamp session. There will be no delivery during weekends.


Petaling Jaya, 15 February 2014. The Didance dance Academy held its first dance performance at the MAS training academy in Kelana Jaya. I was invited by my sisters Melor Edina Pahamin and upon learning all my nieces are participating, I could not resist but proudly came to view their performing. Since I did not have any other information on the event, I will just post up some of their pictures and videos. My nieces that performed were Kasih Leia Ixora, Kasih Iris Leona, Raina Rhiza and Raiqa Rhiza. Every members of Bustanu Pahamin were also present including our iBunda.


Where will you be in 8 Weeks? How about a healthier you? Because what is life without a good bill of health? What is money without a good health to spend it? What is happiness if we are bedridden being sick? But if health is less interesting? Then what about being sexier with a lean body and a six pack abs as well a total body make-over? What if you can get both, a clean health and your dream sexy body in just 8 weeks on top of being more confident, attractive and energetic. Those are the least that you can gain from participating in the 8 Weeks Challenge.

What is the program all about? Well to sum it all up, you will undergo (1) a bootcamp training for an hour per session, 3 times a week for 8 consecutive weeks. The program is what differs the Chief's Original Bootcamp with any other bootcamp. It is designed by a former infantry soldier, the founder of the Chief's Original Bootcamp program; Chief Brabon. How much is the bootcamp training? The fees differ with variety of promotional package. For best rate, click HERE. (2) You will also receive a 20 minutes high intensity home workout program and (3) You will receive a nutritious food menu to eat and follow throughout the challenge (who says anything about starvation and dieting- Its just all about eating right). The food is as important as the workout itself. For more information on the origins of the 8 Weeks to Wow, you can read at HERE.

Once you have registered and pay for both February & March session (for a total of 8 weeks) then please follow the steps below. Note- ALL WIP members do not need to advance pay for February & March intake and they can just follow the normal WIP payment but WIP members do need to enroll for both February & March intake. How to be a WIP member, click HERE. Acceptance to the 8Weeks to Wow (or 8 Week Challenge) depends entirely on your acceptance for both February & March intake. THERE IS A MAXIMUM LIMIT PER LOCATION AND IT IS ON FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BASIS.


HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR. Lets start the year of the Horse with a transformation!! Yes.. true Let us take the first step by taking control of our health and challenge ourselves to get the best body and the best health in just 8 Weeks!!! What is an 8 Week Challenge? For more information click HERE

Ask yourself where will you be in 8 Weeks? or by the first quarter of this year? Make this year a productive year by making a complete physical transformation without any surgery, operation and without having to spend half of your savings. All that it takes, is the determination and the 'want' to change. You are just a click away.

The followings are the schedule of dates for Summer 2014 8 Weeks to Wow challenge in Malaysia. Please note, the dates vary with that in Australia due to COBC's 1 week break for the Chinese New Year.


Mount Nuang is the best day trip Mountain in Malaysia that I have been to. The intensity of the climb was perfect but most importantly, the bath in the cold mountain water was heaven that took away almost immediately all tiredness and exhaustion.

I have been up Mount Nuang a dozen times, half of it alone, soul searching & searching for peace. Sometimes, training for some events and a few times, introduced a few friends to mountain climbing. I blogged the last expedition up Mt Nuang with a group of wonderful people at HERE. Today, I brought my nieces and nephews for a Chinese New Year escapade. The plan was for them all to appreciate nature and train for the Pahamin's 3rd generation expedition up Mount Kinabalu. Oh Gawd!! That will be my 4th climb up the highest peak in Malaysia. So far, only 2 out of 6 second generation Pahamins had conquered the peak of Mount Kinabalu.

In an expedition of 9 pax that comprised of three adult, Abu Lais Walli Mohamed (the person that introduced me to Mountain climbing), Anny Chunraem and myself, we brought along Aqfar Naeem, Kasih Leia Ixora, Aaraf Armin, Rafel Zichry Onn, Andika Rees Pahamin and Kasih Iris Leona to their first mountain, the highest peak in Selangor- Mount Nuang.


In memory of a friend, a comrade, a running buddy and an inspiration to many. I can only imagine how wonderful Jadite was as a mother to two beautiful daughters, a daughter to her parent and a sister to her family because she was such an amazing women to all her friends. Jadite is a recruit at the Chiefs Original Bootcamp Damansara at Heights Zulu platoon and is one of the most consistent and committed recruit when we talk about training. She had ACE'd (100% Attendance, Commitment and Effort) her every month bootcamp session and when she missed any session, she will have it replaced at Bandar Utama Alpha where I train.

She spoke so passionately about the Chief's Original Bootcamp to everyone she met... that she attracted her badminton buddy whom then, had the Chief's Bootcamp to train hundreds of Citibank executives as part of their health and fitness program. That was Jadite. A very inspiring and motivating women.
I paid respect to the dear friend at the Gospel Church in Jalan Hang Jebat today at 5pm. It was the first wake session that I had ever attended. I met her sister whom we chatted and was surprise to learn that Jadite was the least active amongst her siblings. While in their youth, her sisters were the runners, Jadite was the opposite. Jadite whom had never ran when she was younger, took up running after she joined the bootcamp and actually had dozens of others to also start running. We always met in various running event.


Battle of Platoons part 2. For more pictures and reading, click Part 1.

The Chief's Original Bootcamp held our 3rd Battle of Platoons (BOP) on 18 January 2014. The latest battle saw a four corner fight between the Spartans whom was defending their title as the Champion at the 2nd BOP and the Highlander, whom was the 1st BOP Champion. The Legends for the third time, worked and trained hard to become the Champion and the newly born Barracuda was all highly spirited to have fun. The person behind the architect of the 3rd Battle of Platoons was Dr Malek Aziz whom together with Staff Sarge Nawal and the team of instructors at COBC, spend days preparing the carpentry for the barb wires, circuits and equipments etc etc... Yes, recruits had to leopard crawl under barb wires as part of the challenge. 

Part of the battle includes a set of 14 riddles to test recruit's thinking capacity under stress while undergoing the physical challenges. The 14 riddles and puzzles were:

1) What is Chief's Original Bootcamp founder's name?
Chief Brabon and Gunny Hames. Armin Baniaz Pahamin and Dr Malek Aziz are the licensees.

2) Chief was born in 1974. This year he will be 40 years old. How is that so?
Answer: 1974 is the hospital room no. Statement did not say 'year 1974'!

3) What is the codename of this event?
Answer: Metropolitan. Dr Malek actually posted this on facebook to see how many observants they are.

4) Scientists are trying to find out what's between Heaven and Earth. What is it?
Answer: the word "and"

5) What goes up when the rain goes down?
Answer: Umbrella

6) In what year did Thaipusam & Chinese New Year fall on the same year?
Answer: Every year



Personally, I am disappointed with the recent launching of the National Automotive Policy. The possibility of a cheaper car is as good (or as bad) as the possibility of abolishing the open AP. The copy of the NAP 2014 is available at HERE

1. The NAP 2014 is encouraging the re-badging of national cars instead of building our own with its recognition of PERODUA as a national car. The Intellectual Property Rights for all PERODUA models are not with Malaysian for PERODUA to be called a National Car. 

2. The National Automotive Policy did not provide a clearer framework and a roadmap on the direction the government wants to drive the National Car in term of producing own design, chassis and engine.

3. In the past, the government drove PROTON to invest in technology capable of building its own engine, its own car and to move away from re-badging. For years, the dealers had to sell these vehicles with a very thin margin and the public had to pay more for PROTON cars due to a higher cost of production.

4. Unlike previous NAP, that omitted Perodua as a national car, NAP 2014 expressly stated Perodua as a national car although Perodua is majority foreign-own and only produce re-badging of already established vehicles. 

5. There is no clear guideline to what constitute a National Car and non-national and without it, incentives can be abused. At the moment, the term national car status is subjective, interpreted and understood differently by various parties even by different authorities.

6. Incentives should only be given to a national car to keep price competitive for the public while investments can be made for a truly born Malaysia made vehicles. If that is still the drive. 

7. NAP 2 has failed (a) to increase bumiputra participation in the dealership network as well as (b) preserving specific segment for PROTON market share, which was part of its objectives. (see: NAP2)


Kuala Lumpur. Preparation for the 3rd Battle of Platoons began as early as 3am on Saturday 18 January 2014 with Dr Malek Aziz, Staff Sarge Nawal and the team at the basecamp ferrying equipments and setting up the circuit at 5 stations. One of the station, codenamed the Mad Dash, was prepared the day before the battle on Friday, 17 January 2014.

Score board was designed, banner was ordered and officials tee were distributed by Admin Rose Emini Pahamin. Food for breakfast was freshly made and special ordered by Admin Farhanah whom is in charge of the food station.

There were 6 stations prepared for today's 3 hours challenge and the team that recorded the fastest timing throughout the trail will receive a point.The team that complied to the minimum 40 pax participants will also receive a point. The team with the highest number of participants will receive a weightage for the outstanding team award. Other factors for the outstanding team award will be further elaborated later. Points will also be given for the most accurate answer to the riddles. A point for the winner at the mad dash and points for the last man standing.

This blog is a picturesque blog with more than a thousand pictures to be posted. The will be a write-up at the end of the picturesque blog. Click on picture to enlarge.

At the beginning of the event, the score board was empty without any sticker points.


More than 200 recruit's from the Chief's Original Bootcamp gathered today in Kepong to cheer, witness and participate in the biggest open-for-recruits-only bootcamp event in Malaysia (not open to general public). The battle saw four outstanding platoons battled for the third time in a friendly but competitive manner. For more information on Battle of Platoons, read here, here, here and here.

The 3rd Battle of Chief's platoons is the Chief's Original Bootcamp annual event that is organised to unite all recruits that share similar passion for better fitness, health and physique (meaning we all want to look sexy). The battle commenced today for 3 hours at the Metropolitan park, Kepong although the cyber war had already started more than a week ago. Beside the cyber war which painted Facebook with each platoon's team image. Each team had designed and prepared their war cry to ignite their team members burning desire to win, foster a closer team work and especially to provoke their opponent. 

Spartans is the oldest platoon and had the biggest participants compared to the other 3 platoons but Spartans is really the baby'est among them all with the majority being new recruits. Highlanders were the most experience with the most Otais. The Barracuda is a new born platoon and the Legends.. is a legend.

The Champion was crowned based on time, discipline, coordination, intellect (on riddles), teamwork, strength and dedication. The main architect behind the program was Dr Malek Aziz whom did not just co-chaired the team of instructors but was everywhere for days and nights sourcing for materials.

The convoy of 4 platoons on foot in their chosen theme does give me the goosebumps and chill. The spirit was exemplary. It was so inspiring.

The video below was taken with an iPhone 4S. Please increase volume for best effect.

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